open source code

Source code is published under the MIT LICENCE and is available in icon

Web3 experimentals

icon Metamask API Demo frontend page to demonstrate use of the Metamask Web3 API.

icon icon Add EVM network to Metamask wallet or to Brave wallet.

icon zilkeystore CLI utility to print the public and private keys associated to a zilliqa account. icon

safe-passphrase-generator generates a twelve words BIP39 mnemonic icon


zazzy a simple static site generator, written in Go (zs fork). icon

loadfavicon get and download all favicons of given websites, written in go. icon

Private peanuts account aggregator icon

Private r3d3 bot providing crypto trading signals icon icon

Go packages

All go packages can be found in the official go repository

stockchart HTML5 stock chart package in go. Generate interactive, responsive, and performant chart with HTML5 canvas and web assembly. Experimental use of webapi package to write webassembly code in go. icon icon icon

timeline package provides timeslice and timemask primitives and an extention to the time.Duration struct. TimeSlice represents a range of times bounded by two dates (time.Time) From and To. It accepts infinite boundaries (zero times) and can be chronological or anti-chronological. TimeMask is used for scanning a TimeSlice and to get the time corresponding to a rounding o’clock period. icon

datarange package represents a range bounded by a low and a high value.icon

rgb package provides a uint32 RGBA color type, with a set of methods to manipulate the color. RGB type is a 32bits color: 24bits for the RGB color itself and 8 bits for the alpha channel (transparency/opacity) icon

verbose package usefull to generate formatted output when verbose mode is turned on. icon